Ocean of Divine Bliss

by Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Who Am I?

From time immemorial, yogis have approached this essential question scientifically through intuition and experiment. The conclusion they reached was that the Creator and creation are one, and human beings can find their origin in this great cosmic play through love, service, and spiritual practice. Compassionate yogis then sought to impart this knowledge of Self for the liberation of all.

Paramamahamsa Hariharananda, affectionately known as Baba (father), is such a yogi, teacher, and true master in every sense of the word.

While on this earth, instruction with eloquence, kindness, and understanding for the unique challenges facing humanity today, ceaselessly poured forth from his lips and hands.

Throughout Paramahamsa Hariharananda’s long life, a great body of work was delivered in formal lectures, talks to disciples, letters, articles, and books to help all true seekers to ‘cross the worldly ocean.’ These instructions cover all facets of life as he always emphasized ‘all-round development’ as the objective of spiritual practice. With compassion and objectivity, he helps us to return to our true nature and leads us to the supreme goal of being in God consciousness while living in the world.

By compiling these Complete Works, it is our sincere hope that Paramahamsa Hariharananda will continue to enlighten, inspire, and encourage those who search for God to discover that,

“I and He are One, and always have been One.

Ocean of Divine Bliss at a special reduced price of 100€ + shipping

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